I LOVE this quote: "You have low-self esteem if you believe you are anything less than a God, because you are God!" (Paramahansa Nithyananda). I love LOVE & BEAUTY & TRUTH & trust in the duality of the Universe and the Divine Order thereof. I live on FAITH and LIGHT. I am FREE. At present my heart is growing wings and my external world is in the process of accommodating the fresh BEAUTY WITHIN. This blog is about finding oneself in the Divine, well, it is about a good many things, but Spirit is that from which all else does stem. These sharings spring forth from a heart that is deeply passionate, radical and poetic...a heart that feels BEAUTYFULL, PROFOUND things that cannot be fully articulated, for "there is a voice that does not use words" (Rumi), but this is an attempt to articulate the depths of this Heart of Hearts. Too, I love to eat LIGHT. Raw foods all the way, baby! :0)
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